Spreadsheet2Site is a command-line application and can be used in two flavors.
- On your local machine via a command-line aka terminal
- A Netlify template to quickly set up a new site on Netlify. (Free Hosting)
Installing the CLI Locally
Download the executables and templates from the Netlify deploy template repository..
Easiest way is to download or checkout the whole repository.
Executables: here and add it to your path variable or run from a local folder.
Activate the License
Spreadsheet2Site requires a licenses to run and a licenses key is sent to you during purchase. To activate it, you must add the license key as environment variable:
export SS2S_LICENSE=<your license key>
Trial Mode
If the SS2S_LICENSE is not set or is invalid, the CLI works in trial mode. The trial mode is limited:
- to 6 list items
- can only use the default, default_cards and shop layouts
- adds a attribution link in the footer of a template. It’s required for trials and you are not allowed to remove it.
Make a copy of this Google Sheet template and use it as a starting point.
Authorize Access to Your Google Sheet
When in Google Sheets, hit the Share button at the top right and either:
- add the user spreadsheet2site-cli@spreadsheet2site.iam.gserviceaccount.com , uncheck notify email and save.
- or make the Sheet public viewable to anyone knowing the link
Running the CLI
The binaries are in the bin folder and support OSX, Linux and Windows.
spreadsheet2site-osx build -sheet <sheetId> templates/ -output <output file or dir>
Using the Netlify Deploy Template
Hit the deploy button and follow the instructions. You need a Netlify account and a Guthub Account. Both are free.